
Learn about AKADEMIYA2063's research findings on the impacts of the Ukraine Crisis on African Economies Find Out


JUST RELEASED! 2024 ReSAKSS Annual Trends and Outlook Report
The 2024 Annual Trends and Outlook Report (ATOR), titled "Advancing the Climate and Bioeconomy Agenda in Africa for Resilient and Sustainable Agrifood Systems," urges African policymakers and global partners to unite in leveraging Africa's vast renewable biological resources to drive innovation, upscaling investments in new technologies, and upskilling to drive a bioeconomy transition while adapting to climate change. Launched today in Rabat, Morocco, as the centerpiece of the ReSAKSS Annual Conference, the report examines the linkages between the two pressing agendas of climate change and the bioeconomy towards building resilient agrifood systems.
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IFAD and AKADEMIYA2063 partner to promote agrifood systems transformation across Africa
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and AKADEMIYA2063 have signed an MoU to collaborate on promoting evidence-based policymaking, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, applied to Africa's agrifood system transformation and continental agendas such as the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme. Formalized during a ceremony held on the sidelines of the Africa Food Systems (AFS) Forum in Kigali, the agreement will provide a framework for strengthening technical and institutional capacities and, in particular, the data and analytical capacities of African experts.
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JUST RELEASED — Africa Agriculture Trade Monitor 2024
The 7th edition of the Africa Agriculture Trade Monitor (AATM) examines the recent performance of African agricultural trade, focusing on the complex relationships between trade, climate change, and food security. Published by AKADEMIYA2063 and IFPRI, the 2024 AATM explores the complex links between trade and climate change, analyzing carbon emissions associated with the production and transportation of agricultural products, embedded water content in traded agricultural products, and climate stress-induced yield changes in agriculture. The authors call for policies to leverage trade in climate adaptation efforts, notably through strategic use of countries' comparative advantages.
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JUST RELEASED — Malabo Montpellier Panel Food Processing Report
The 14th Malabo Montpellier Panel report — VALUE-UP: Policy Innovations to Advance Africa's Food Processing Sector for Growth, Jobs, and Health — focuses on strategies to boost Africa's food processing sector. The report reviews the potential contribution of the emerging food processing sector to economic growth and the challenges hindering the growth and sustainability of the sector. It demonstrates a range of solutions and opportunities that can enhance the sector for economic transformation and examines successful strategies implemented by various African countries, focusing on three systematically selected countries: Ghana, Kenya, and Senegal, which have shown success and progress.
14th Malabo Montpellier Forum – VALUE-UP: Policy Innovations to Advance Africa’s Agri-food Processing Sector for Growth, Jobs, and Health
The Malabo Montpellier Panel's forthcoming report focuses on successful approaches, institutional, policy, and technical innovations and programmatic interventions to boost the role of Africa's agri-food processing sector in the transformation of its agri-food systems. The report includes case studies on Ghana, Kenya, and Senegal, which have shown success and progress in the growth of their agri-food processing sector. The Forum will consist of a technical part drawing on the report's findings and recommendations, reflections on its lessons, and a ministerial roundtable with senior representatives from African governments, the private sector, and development partners.
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Launch of the Africa Agriculture Trade Monitor: Exploring the Climate Change and Trade Nexus
AKADEMIYA2063 and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), in partnership with AGRA, are convening a hybrid event to debate and promote the findings of the Africa Agriculture Trade Monitor (AATM) 2024. As in prior editions, the seventh AATM provides improved trade statistics, uses consistent indicators to monitor trends, and provides deeper insights into Africa’s participation in global trade and the status of intra-African trade. Slated for August 29 in Kigali and online, the event will convene a diverse set of experts for a discussion on the nexus of climate change and agrifood trade in Africa.
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AKADEMIYA2063 at the 32nd International Conference of Agricultural Economists: ICAE 2024
Don't miss AKADEMIYA2063 at ICAE 2024 in New Delhi, India, from August 2-7, 2024. The conference, centered on "Transformation Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems," will feature AKADEMIYA2063 scientists participating in sessions on sustainable food systems transformation in Africa, changing food environments, climate change and the environment, and public spending in agriculture.
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Toward Sustainable Food Systems Transformation in Africa: Invited Panel Session at ICAE 2024
AKADEMIYA2063 is convening an invited panel session on August 3 at the 32nd International Conference of Agricultural Economists—ICAE 2024, in New Delhi, India. This invited panel will bring together a diverse group of leading experts to share their research and perspectives on the urgent need to transform Africa’s food systems, critical and emerging issues that must be tackled to ensure sustainable food systems on the continent and innovative approaches for realizing and accelerating the transformation across Africa.
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Food Safety in Africa: Insights from the CAADP Biennial Review Data
This policy brief assesses the current state and progress made toward strengthening food safety systems in Africa. The main objective is to shed light on the performance of food safety systems across Africa and highlight how these systems can be strengthened to improve food safety, public health, food and nutrition security, and trade in safe food within the continent and beyond. The policy options set out in the brief would bolster Africa’s food and health systems and strengthen the ability of African countries to utilize trade to achieve food security, increase economic growth and alleviate poverty.
2021 CAADP Biennial Review (BR) Brief: Benin
This brief summarizes Benin's performance in the third BR report on the implementation of the Malabo commitments. The brief (i) assesses the country's performance during the third BR, (ii) compares Benin's performance over three BR cycles, (iii) discusses the challenges identified and the lessons learned, (iv) examines the changes in policies and strategies resulting from the reviews conducted, and (v) highlights the recommendations for actions and policy measures needed to achieve the objectives of the Malabo Declaration.
HAMBURG SUSTAINABILITY CONFERENCE: Moving from Production to Value Addition: Tackling Challenges and Creating Opportunities in Africa’s Agribusiness Sector
AKADEMIYA2063, through the Malabo Montpellier Panel, in partnership with the Center for Development Research (ZEF)/University of Bonn and Welthungerhilfe, will host a panel session at the Hamburg Sustainability Conference on October 8. This session will identify investment and policy priorities to boost the performance of Africa’s agrifood sectors beyond the cultivation of raw materials towards the production of higher-value, nutritious and affordable food products, ultimately fostering competitive integration in local and global markets.
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Master Class: From Space to Development: Challenges and Opportunities for Senegal
AKADEMIYA2063 and GéoSénégal are organizing a Master Class within the framework of GéoSénégal's community activities. Dr. Racine Ly, Director of AKADEMIYA2063's Department of Data Management, Digital Products and Technology, will lead the two-hour session, which will take place at AKADEMIYA2063's regional office in Dakar and online. The session will focus on the theme "From Space to Development: Challenges and Opportunities for Senegal."
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El Niño 2024 in Southern Africa Series – Zambia
The Southern Africa region has been experiencing strong El Niño weather effects since 2023. Characterized by above-average temperatures and below-normal rainfall, these effects are expected to continue till mid-2024. Climate variability related to this phenomenon is considered one of the strongest drivers that impact agricultural production in Southern Africa. Brief #3 focuses on several spatial aspects of the impacts of the El Niño-induced drought on community vulnerability in Zambia and sheds light on hotspot areas that require priority intervention.
El Niño 2024 in Southern Africa Series – Mozambique
The Southern Africa region has been experiencing strong El Niño weather effects since 2023. Characterized by above-average temperatures and below-normal rainfall, these effects are expected to continue till mid-2024. Climate variability related to this phenomenon is considered one of the strongest drivers that impact agricultural production in Southern Africa. Brief #4 focuses on several spatial aspects of the impacts of the El Niño-induced drought on community vulnerability in Mozambique and sheds light on hotspot areas that require priority intervention.
2024 ReSAKSS Conference – Advancing the Climate and Bioeconomy Agenda in Africa for Resilient and Sustainable Agrifood Systems
AKADEMIYA2063, in partnership with the African Union Commission's Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment (AUC-DARBE), is convening the 2024 ReSAKSS Conference to launch the 16th Edition of the Annual Trends and Outlook Report (ATOR). Organized in cooperation with the Policy Center for the New South, the event will take place on October 1-3 in Rabat, Morocco. The conference will take stock of Africa’s climate change and bioeconomy agendas and discuss countries’ implementation strategies under the frameworks of the Paris Agreement, COP28, and broader climate agendas.
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COMESA & AKADEMIYA2063 Sign MOU to Support Evidence-based Agri-food System Transformation
COMESA and AKADEMIYA2063 have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to support evidence-based policy and program design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) aimed at transforming agri-food systems in the COMESA region. Under the partnership, the two organizations will bolster their collaboration in support of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) by strengthening technical and institutional capacities of COMESA Member States for review, dialogue, M&E, and mutual learning.
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CACCI Field Notes No. 13 – Economic Impacts of Climate Change and Adaptation Options in Senegal
CACCI Field Notes are publications by AKADEMIYA2063 scientists and collaborators based on research conducted under the Comprehensive Action for Climate Change Initiative (CACCI). The series provides broad and timely access to insights and evidence from our ongoing research activities in the areas of climate adaptation and mitigation. This study assesses the impact of climate change on Senegal's economy, highlighting its repercussions on agricultural and non-agricultural value added, remuneration of factors of production, poverty, and income inequalities.
Remembering the Rt. Hon. Dr. Saulos Klaus Chilima
We are deeply saddened by the passing of the Rt. Hon. Dr. Saulos Klaus Chilima, Vice President of the Republic of Malawi, following a tragic plane crash on June 10. A champion of mutual learning and economic development in Africa, Dr. Chilima was Co-Chair of the Malabo Montpellier Forum between 2017 & 2020. As an Ambassador of the Forum, he added his voice to the high-level gatherings held in Benin, Malawi, Morocco, Rwanda & Gambia, to facilitate policy dialogue between African countries & their partners. We join the people of Malawi & well-wishers across Africa & the globe to remember an energetic leader who relentlessly walked the talk of agrifood system transformation & economic growth.
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2023 Annual Report
We are delighted to present AKADEMIYA2063's 2023 Annual Report! 2023 was highly prolific, with sustained efforts in our core program areas, expansion into new agendas, and strong partnerships and outreach activities. AKADEMIYA2063 remained aligned with continental-level strategic frameworks powered by the African Union from climate to trade and the overarching Post-Malabo Agenda development process. Overall, AKADEMIYA2063 recorded 161 publications, hosted 3 flagship events, 22 policy dialogues, and over 60 side events and workshops, implemented amid solid press coverage, with over 300 media hits.
Outcome Stories: ReSAKSS’ Support to CAADP Mutual Accountability Processes
The Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System (ReSAKSS) has been pivotal in operationalizing two mutual accountability processes – the CAADP Biennial Reviews and agriculture Joint Sector Reviews. ReSAKSS’ support to these critical processes has contributed to policy advancements across Africa. A program of AKADEMIYA2063, ReSAKSS provides data and knowledge products to facilitate CAADP benchmarking, review, and mutual learning processes. In particular, the program supports the operationalization of CAADP mutual accountability processes through agriculture Joint Sector Reviews (JSRs) at country and regional levels and the continental CAADP BR.
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AKADEMIYA2063 Knowledge Products

AKADEMIYA2063 is an Africa-based non-profit research organization with headquarters in Kigali, Rwanda and a regional office in Dakar, Senegal. Its mission is to provide data, policy analysis, and capacity-strengthening support to enable African countries to achieve the African Union’s Agenda 2063 goals of inclusive and sustainable development and economic prosperity. AKADEMIYA2063 conducts strategic analysis to address emerging and time-sensitive topics and to fill knowledge gaps on priority issues faced by Africa. Our research findings, AKADEMIYA2063 Knowledge Products, are published in flagship reports and other research publications to support evidence-based decision-making toward accelerating Africa’s broader development goals.


Exposure and Vulnerability to Global Fertilizer Trade and Market...

Brief 33
Nigeria is a major fertilizer producer in Africa. However, it still relies on the global market to meet its...

Global Wheat Trade and Market Disruptions: Income and Food Security Effects for Nigeria

Brief 32
The Russia-Ukraine conflict has introduced severe disruptions into international grain trade as the two ...

Exposure of African Economies to Global Commodity Trade and ...

Brief 31
The economic impacts of the global market disruptions brought on by the Russia-Ukraine...

Wheat Production Outlook in Morocco amid the Ukraine Crisis

Brief 30
Global grain supply chains have been disrupted by the Russia-Ukraine war, raising the threat of food insecurity ...


Mapping community vulnerability to identify potential major hot spots

Workstream 1

The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted lives across the globe in just a few months. And yet, there are no...

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Tracking food staples price changes and their impact on food and nutrition security

Workstream 2

The pandemic is likely to be more disruptive to local food markets and thus have more serious effects on the...

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Food production systems disruption and effects on communities and the national economy

Workstream 3

From effects on access to seeds and fertilizers, limited movement of goods, declining demand, to labor...

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Global trade disruption and the effects on economic growth and livelihoods

Workstream 4

The pandemic has not left a single region of the world untouched. Its disruptive effects have equally reached...

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Mission and Vision

AKADEMIYA2063’s overall mission is to create, across Africa and led from Rwanda, state-of-the art technical capacities to support the efforts by the Member States of the African Union to achieve the key goals of the agenda 2063 of transforming national economies to boost growth and prosperity.

Our History

AKADEMIYA2063 was established to continue and expand the portfolio of policy research and capacity-strengthening support for the implementation of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), which was initiated and previously incubated by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). This portfolio has included three main programs: the Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System (ReSAKSS), the African Growth and Development Policy (AGRODEP) Modeling Consortium, and the Malabo Montpellier Panel (MaMo Panel).