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Production Systems Disruption
Vulnerability Hot Spots
Staple Food Price Tracking
Macro Effects of Trade Disruption
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[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_002_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_003_cover1.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_003_cover_fr1.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_004_cover6.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_4_cover1.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_cover6.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_5_cover2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_005_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_005_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_cover_fr.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_007_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_008_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_006_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_006_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_007_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_007_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_007_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_007_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_008_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_008_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_008_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_008_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_011_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_014_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_015_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_017_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_019_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_021_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_021_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_021_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_026_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_002_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_003_cover1.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_cover6.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_005_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_006_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_009_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_012_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_014_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_017_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_021_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_004_cover6.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_4_cover1.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_cover6.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_5_cover2.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_005_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_007_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_006_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_007_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_007_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_008_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_014_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
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[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_018_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_005_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_006_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_013_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_018_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_5_cover2.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_005_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_007_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_008_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_009_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_012_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_017_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_019_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_021_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_021_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_021_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover_fr.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_026_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_026_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_002_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_004_cover6.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_4_cover1.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_cover6.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_5_cover2.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_005_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
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[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_006_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_007_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_007_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_008_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_008_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_008_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_011_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_011_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_014_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_018_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_cover6.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_006_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_007_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_007_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_007_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_008_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_008_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_008_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_008_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_011_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_014_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_021_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_021_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_cover6.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_005_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_006_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_008_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_008_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_008_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_011_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_017_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_021_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_021_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_cover6.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_005_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_006_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_011_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_015_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_017_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_020_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_021_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_021_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_021_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
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[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
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[content_fr] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_012_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_017_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_018_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_020_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_021_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_026_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_002_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_cover6.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_5_cover2.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_005_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_012_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_015_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_017_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_021_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_021_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_021_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_026_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_cover6.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_005_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_006_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_012_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_015_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_017_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_019_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_021_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_021_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_021_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_026_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_015_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_017_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_019_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_021_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_021_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_026_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_cover6.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_005_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_017_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_019_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_021_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_021_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_021_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_026_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_003_cover1.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_004_cover6.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_4_cover1.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_005_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_012_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_013_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_016_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_018_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_004_cover6.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_cover6.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_5_cover2.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_005_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_006_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_007_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_009_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_014_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_017_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_018_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_5_cover2.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_005_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_006_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_007_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_007_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_007_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_007_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_008_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_009_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_014_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_005_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_007_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_006_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_007_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_007_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_008_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_008_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_008_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_011_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_cover6.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_005_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_006_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_007_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_007_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_007_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_008_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_008_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_008_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_009_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_011_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_019_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_021_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_021_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_026_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_002_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_4_cover1.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_cover6.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_005_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_006_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_006_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_007_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_007_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_008_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_008_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_008_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_009_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_011_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_014_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_008_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_008_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_008_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_008_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_011_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_014_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object